Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): January - June 2023
Integrated therapy

Being Together: Social skills groups project

Published 2023-05-25


  • Autismo,
  • abilità sociali,
  • tecniche integrate

How to Cite

Perrone, L. V., Tornetta, C., Meloni, A., & Micozzi, C. (2023). Being Together: Social skills groups project. Phenomena Journal - International Journal of Psychopathology, Neuroscience and Psychotherapy, 5(1), 40–56. https://doi.org/10.32069/PJ.2021.2.189


This project stems from the need to expand the opportunities of social experiences for people with autism at the developmental age. The following article offers a vision of intervention that goes beyond individual habilitation therapy, usually aimed at these subjects, allowing the person with autism spectrum disorder to enter into relationships with others in a safe environment and live social experiences that, done alone, would be difficult to seek and manage. The method of intervention is based on the strengthening and development of social skills necessary to establish positive and functional relationships in society and is thereby aimed at improving the quality of life of the autistic person and their family. Through participation in structured groups, based on the specific objectives and skills of the individual, a sequential plan of participation is proposed which preparatively accompanies the person with autism. The project is based on the integration of intervention models and techniques, in particular with reference to Gestalt and Cognitive Behavioural techniques. The ultimate goal of this type of integrated approach is to deliver to the user all the typical skills of communication, social rules and peer behaviour. The lack of social skills and the poor ability to interact with others are characteristic of the symptomatology of the autistic spectrum, so much so that they fall within the diagnostic criteria. That is not to say that autistic people are not interested in interacting with others, considering the problem from the perspective of a person with a lack of skills, rather than motivation. It is possible to use the clinical knowledge we have to date to improve their social skills and to better integrate into society.


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