Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): July - December 2020
Research hypotheses

"From interview to diagnostic report": definitions, models and areas of intervention.: How to write a diagnostic report from an integrated Gestalt perspective.

Viviana Catania
SiPGI- Scuola di Specializzazione in Psicoterapia della Gestalt integrata- sede di Trapani

Published 2020-11-21

How to Cite

Catania, V., Cipponeri, S., & Perrone, L. V. (2020). "From interview to diagnostic report": definitions, models and areas of intervention.: How to write a diagnostic report from an integrated Gestalt perspective. Phenomena Journal - International Journal of Psychopathology, Neuroscience and Psychotherapy, 2(2), 125–132. https://doi.org/10.32069/pj.2020.2.95


There have been several authors who in recent years have sought to clarify the world of psychodiagnosis: from the analysis of the expert question to the criminological interview, from the structure of the expert report to the development of new damage assessment criteria Mc Williams, 2002; Parolin, Agostin, 2006; Abazia, 2017). Also in the testological field, numerous researches have highlighted how the appropriate use of tests represents one of the main aspects in the evaluation process. Corporal's studies (2017); Del Castello (2018) were an important guide to the interpretation and reporting both in the clinical and legal-expert field of the MMPI-2 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2), integrating insights related above all to its restructured form (MMPI-2 RF). It becomes important, in fact, that there is attention in the choice of tools not only "technical" but also "relational", in order to constitute an "appropriate frame of meaning", necessary for a careful and scrupulous psychological evaluation. Within the scientific panorama main objective of the authors, after having performed a detailed and in-depth analysis of the literature in question, will be to propose through this contribution, a practical guide to outline the "good practices" indispensable for each type of intervention, in order to be able to conduct a Gestaltic psychological assessment (from the clinical interview to the collection of bio / psycho / social data up to the correct administration of the psychological tests) in the various professional fields (clinical, expert, etc.).

Keywords: Psychodiagnostic report, Psychological evaluation, Integrated Gestalt therapy


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