Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): July - Decembre 2023
Integrated therapy

Digital Wellness vs wellness in the Digital

Maura Perrone
ricercatrice indipendente

Published 2023-12-07 — Updated on 2023-12-11



  • digital wellness; app; integration

How to Cite

Maciariello, G., Bucciarelli, F., Glorioso, A., Giangrande, A., De Blasi, A. ., Maciariello, P., & Perrone, M. (2023). Digital Wellness vs wellness in the Digital. Phenomena Journal - International Journal of Psychopathology, Neuroscience and Psychotherapy, 5(2), 143–148. https://doi.org/10.32069/PJ.2021.2.199 (Original work published December 7, 2023)


What is the relationship between digital well-being and digital well-being? Although belonging to two similar semantic fields, the first of the two expressions refers to the set of resources (personal and collective), tools, apps and technical-regulatory measures, created by those who design the web and its contents, to ensure that people surf the web according to the principles of safety and well-being;  the second focuses more on the direct action of people in the digital world and calls into question the critical and reflective abilities of individuals in moving in any type of environment, whether real or virtual. Digital well-being is above all the result of the work of those who have the task of making the experience of using the virtual world as comfortable as possible. Well-being in the digital world is a volitional, cognitive and heuristic act during which, starting from the identification of our needs and desires, we try to find their satisfaction in the digital world. While on the one hand the application of ergonomic principles to the construction of digital spaces is fundamental for promoting digital well-being, on the other hand there are different types of Apps that offer users various types of well-being experiences. However, it is of fundamental importance to combine the development of personal skills of an affective and cognitive nature with the construction of person-centred digital habitats in order to guarantee the well-being of people who, partially or totally, inhabit the virtual world.


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