Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): January - June 2021
Mini review

The Aid of Sport in the Integrated Gestalt Model

Salvatore Renda
Angela Ciulla
Francesco Scarito
Letizia Cacciabaudo
Milena Mazzara
Valentina Maltese

Published 2021-05-28


  • Gestalt, Sport, Body, Integration

How to Cite

Renda, S., Ciulla, A., Scarito, F., Cacciabaudo, L., Mazzara, M., & Maltese, V. (2021). The Aid of Sport in the Integrated Gestalt Model. Phenomena Journal - International Journal of Psychopathology, Neuroscience and Psychotherapy, 3(1), 56–61. https://doi.org/10.32069/pj.2021.1.100


The baggage inherited from our western culture is characterized by the artificial division between those which are the elements of a single reality: the mind and the body. This split is also expressed through our language; we do not have a single word that allows us to say "I-body" but we refer to it by saying my body, as if it were an object we possess, not a part of the self. We often think we have a body, understood as something different from us, in reality we are the body and it is our own life. Gestalt therapy, as holistic body and emotional mediation therapy, considers the mind and body as inseparable aspects, seeks the unity of the person and considers the organism as a whole. Talking about a holistic model in sports psychology makes us understand how the concepts of body and mind no longer help us to describe the functioning of the human being / athlete in a performance. Sports psychology, as well as gestalt psychotherapy, is characterized by a global and / or functional theory of the individual: no longer pyramidal, with a mind that controls everything from above, but circular, in which all various psycho / bodily plans contribute equally to the complex organization of the organism, and therefore to performance. The work has a twofold objective: the integration of sport into the integrated Gestalt model and the creation of a new intervention model in sports psychology with the help of the integrated Gestalt model.

Keywords: Gestalt, Sport, Body, Integration


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