Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): January - June 2022
Research hypotheses

Time lived and anticipation as prevailing moments in the act of understanding psychic suffering

Giuseppe Errico
IPeRS Institute of Psychology and Socio-Health Research

Published 2022-05-25


  • Time lived, chronodesis, anticipation

How to Cite

Errico, G. (2022). Time lived and anticipation as prevailing moments in the act of understanding psychic suffering. Phenomena Journal - International Journal of Psychopathology, Neuroscience and Psychotherapy, 4(1), 85–105. https://doi.org/10.32069/PJ.2021.2.159


The field of lived time, of the prediction of the behavior of others (anticipation) and of interpersonal events is not only greatly complex and extensive but also continuously changing over time. Starting from this premise, we propose to reflect on interior time by crossing the paths of the human sciences, according to a phenomenological style. Can the inner time we perceive, which we can grasp in the flow of pathos during dark suffering, help people immersed in a dark and mysterious inner space? And during this process can the phenomenological or anthropological - transformational approach help us? The work is an opportunity to reaffirm that the study of the subjective / perceptive sense of inner time and intersubjectivity (and how emotions can influence it) in the psychotherapy field have assumed a fundamental role. All this appears fundamental both for psychotherapy, for the centrality that time lived and the emotions linked to them assume in the life of people in general, and for the role that the past-present-future triad assumes in the pursuit of well-being.
Inner time, therefore, is at the center of a reflection on psychic suffering, on the mutational practices of people (patients imprisoned in dark suffering) which one hopes will have major application implications in the psychological / psychopathological field. In probing the depths of the soul, therefore, one cannot neglect time and the different experience that everyone has of it. It can be from time to time a suspended time, as in the dream, or a fragmented time, as in the torn memory of those suffering from diseases such as Alzheimer's; it can be the time of boredom, for those who feel paralyzed in the present, or the time of nostalgia for those who look to the past, or even the time of waiting for those who look ahead, to the future. Furthermore, the theme of lived time is linked to the theme of anticipation of the future as a method of clinical work: a. anticipation in human relationships (intersubjective level): the act of understanding in human relationships can in fact be described as an activity aimed at grasping, with probabilistic protension, a human event in the near future (knowledge of the other is an anticipation of the future, prediction of what the other is going to do or say); b. anticipation in cognitive activity and clinical practice, that is, the disclosure, the increase in the ability to anticipate thought and the adequate timeliness of therapeutic practice. Usually, and not only in the psychological-psychiatric field, the knowledge of the other or of what happens, during a human relationship, is an anticipation of another's action in lived time: it is an inter-human and intersubjective understanding by recurrence (diachronic), or knowledge of mass (synchronic) or knowledge of mass by recurrence (panchronic).


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