Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): January - June 2020
Research hypotheses

Improving treatment adherence in behavioral addictions through an integrated process between motivation to change and self-empowerment

Antonello Chiacchio
Rita Di Gennaro
SiPGI, Scuola di Psicoterapia Gestaltico Integrata
Irene Fabbricino
SiPGI, Scuola di Psicoterapia Gestaltico Integrata
Lucia Luciana Mosca
Sipgi Scuola di psicoterapia gestaltico integrata

Published 2020-05-30

How to Cite

Chiacchio, A., Di Gennaro, R., Fabbricino, I., & Mosca, L. L. (2020). Improving treatment adherence in behavioral addictions through an integrated process between motivation to change and self-empowerment. Phenomena Journal - International Journal of Psychopathology, Neuroscience and Psychotherapy, 2(1), 102–109. https://doi.org/10.32069/pj.2020.1.76


To improve the client's adherence to the treatment of behavioral addictions (e.g. compulsive mechanisms such as food in DCA and play in GAP) and therefore therapeutic efficacy, targeted motivational work is needed, using the self-empowerment methodology . Eating disorders and gambling are characterized, on a psychopathological level, by compulsive behavior and affective-relational ambivalence, induced by intrapsychic conflicts, which lead the person to experience an internal torment between two opposite alternatives. In this ambivalent situation they feel in an obsessive cage focused on a fixed thought of eating or playing and often they cannot get out on their own or, if they decide they want to be helped and supported, they struggle to start treatment because they are afraid of change or they have no intrinsic motivation. The hypothesis of the study conceives motivational work as a useful and functional approach to addictions, not to change the patient or teach how to change but to allow him, through self-empowerment, to accept his condition, look at the inconsistencies of the behavior with awareness, and undertake a functional treatment for well-being. The theoretical framework is the transteoretic change theory of Prochaska, Norcross and Di Clemente, for which the motivational process of change takes place in six phases to be followed several times before being able to succeed. The goal of the work will be to increase patient compliance.

Keywords: behavioral addiction, self-empowerment, motivational work.




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