Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): July - Decembre 2022
Integrated therapy

The function of intuition in the psychological context

Olimpia Armenante
A.S.P.I.C. Roma
Maria Antonietta Quitadamo
A.S.P.I.C. Roma

Published 2022-12-06


  • intuition, awareness, insight, creativity, focus, epochè, mindfullness

How to Cite

Armenante, O., & Quitadamo, M. A. (2022). The function of intuition in the psychological context. Phenomena Journal - International Journal of Psychopathology, Neuroscience and Psychotherapy, 4(2), 207–219. https://doi.org/10.32069/PJ.2021.2.172


In the article treated the construct of intuition, starting from an overview of scientific studies and research, in relation to the different importance with which various authors have been interested in the construct. Attention is focused on the difficulty, still present for scientific psychology and psychotherapy, in recognizing a value to intuition, namely that of a different approach to knowledge, more instinctual and emotional. In this, the emphasis is also placed on work, necessity on the need to approach intuition with a different look, going beyond the conception that there is an objective reality that can be independent from the observer, to dare to the subjective dimension, as evinced from the contribution of various scholars and researchers. In this work the state of the art of intuition studies will be highlighted, starting from what emerged from the phenomenological observation of the construct and from its application in clinical psychological and psychotherapeutic practice. During the review also comes the recognition, by neuroscience, of intuition as a fundamental aspect in the treatment process. Finally, we wanted to emphasize the importance, also in the training of psychotherapists, of acquiring an integrated pluralistic approach to develop an attitude that enhances the intuitive aspect in the therapeutic process.

KEYWORDS: intuition, awareness, insight, creativity, focus, epochè, mindfullness 


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