Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): July - Decembre 2022
Integrated therapy

Controtransfert in integrated pluralistic supervision

Published 2022-11-29



  • Supervision, countertransference, video recording

How to Cite

Montanari, C., & Rapanà, L. (2022). Controtransfert in integrated pluralistic supervision. Phenomena Journal - International Journal of Psychopathology, Neuroscience and Psychotherapy, 4(2), 76–91. https://doi.org/10.32069/PJ.2021.2.174


In this article we want to focus on the work with countertransference in clinical supervision of according to the Integrated Pluralistic model of the Association for the Development of the Individual and the Community. Being able to feel emotions brings us back to the present, where we can close the unfinished gestalts of the past that influence our present and future. In supervision, countertransference analysis is an emotional contact technique for working through the unfinished gestalts that interfere in the psychotherapeutic process in the here and now; this intervention allows the supervisee to increase his awareness and be a more effective and efficient therapist. After the presentation of the model, the direct experience of a group supervision will be exposed to illustrate a possible work with countertransference.


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