Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): July - December 2021
Opinion article

The systemic relational approach and taking charge of the autistic person's family

Rosa Annunziata
Villa delle Ginestre, Rehabilitation Center, Volla, Naples, Italy.

Published 2021-11-08

How to Cite

Annunziata, R. (2021). The systemic relational approach and taking charge of the autistic person’s family. Phenomena Journal - International Journal of Psychopathology, Neuroscience and Psychotherapy, 3(2), 93–100. https://doi.org/10.32069/PJ.2021.2.130


Studies on autism have shown that the most functional approach to the rehabilitation of dysfunctional behaviors is the ABA method(applied behavioranalysis). However, clinical evidence shows that an approach that is not limited to changing the attitudes of the autistic subject, but extends the field of care also to the family of the autistic subject, provides better results for the physical, social and mental well-being of the entire system considered. The systemic relational approach moves in this direction, shifting the focus from the subject suffering from autism to the entire family unit in which the person with autism moves. The basic assumption is that all members of the system considered are interconnected, so that changing a part of it produces change throughout the system. In this perspective, a diagnosis of autism, from the moment it is carried out, causes a crisis that generates disorientation, confusion, fear, pain. The systemic approach, taking care of the family, even in the absence of the pathological subject, works on the reception of these emotional states, proposing functional psychoeducational models, working on the acceptance of the real child and the following abandonment of the imaginary child. The disorientation resulting from diagnosis is also characterized by the fear of not being adequate as parents, of not being able to respond to the new needs that this condition entails. This state of affairs could result in couple conflicts; excessive shift of family attention to the autistic subject at the expense of other family members.  In addition, observation of families with autistic subjects has shown that these systems tend to implement mostly repetitive and rigid behavioral strategies. Systemic therapy seeks to restore the balance prior to diagnosis, favoring the onset of a calmer, less rigid family climate where it is possible to instill a creative educational mode necessary for the development of symbolic thinking absent in people with autism.

Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Systemic Family Therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis, ABA.


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