Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): July - December 2019

Perspective review on the subject of violence against women: the experience of a Neapolitan anti-violence center

Published 2019-11-27


  • domestic violence, VD, antiviolence center

How to Cite

Annunziato, T., Di Gennaro, R., Alfano, Y. M., Amore, G., Di Sarno, A. D., & Vergati, C. (2019). Perspective review on the subject of violence against women: the experience of a Neapolitan anti-violence center. Phenomena Journal - International Journal of Psychopathology, Neuroscience and Psychotherapy, 1(2), 91–96. https://doi.org/10.32069/pj.2019.2.63


This perspective review focuses on the theme of violence against women and, in particular, on domestic violence in order to raise awareness of the issue and the transversality of the phenomenon and report the status of women victims of violence belonging to a Neapolitan cav, identifying the main risk factors / vulnerability. The embryonic study lays the foundations for a desirable research project, in collaboration with other anti-violence centers in the area, in order to identify the possible forms of primary and secondary prevention specific to the context.


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