Published 2024-09-04
- vigorexia nervosa,
- body dysmorphism,
- adolescence,
- bodybuilding,
- eating disorders
- anabolic androgenic steroids,
- social anxiety ...More
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Copyright (c) 2024 Giulia De Cristofano, Maria Barone, Maria De Masis, Alessandra Di Donna, Anna Asia Forino, Lucio Marino
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Vigorexia, sometimes also known as muscle dysmorphia or bigorexia, is a complex nosological construct characterised by an intense preoccupation with the body and obsessive behaviours related to exercise and diet. This disorder, although often associated with the male fitness and bodybuilding universe, is also emerging among women and adolescents, reflecting the growing impact of the image cult and social media on body perception. This literature review aims to identify risk factors, diagnostic criteria, epidemiology and the relationship with eating disorders and addictions, as well as to examine the role of vigorexia in relationships and adolescence. The data analysis revealed that vigorexia is associated with a number of health risks, including the use of anabolic androgenic steroids and eating disorders. Furthermore, individuals with vigorexia often experience social anxiety related to others' judgement of their physical appearance, which can lead to social isolation and impaired interpersonal relationships. In conclusion, this analysis of vigorexia provides a comprehensive overview of its risks, associated disorders and implications for mental health and social relationships, emphasising the importance of early intervention and targeted preventive strategies to address this emerging phenomenon especially among younger people.
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