Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): January - June 2023
Integrated therapy

Blue Flowers and Possible Theatre two theatrical experiences about building a safe space.

Maura Perrone
ricercatrice indipendente

Published 2023-05-25 — Updated on 2023-06-05



  • individual; socialization; mental distress; safe space

How to Cite

Perrone, M., italiano, italiano, italiano, italiano, & italiano, italiano. (2023). Blue Flowers and Possible Theatre two theatrical experiences about building a safe space. Phenomena Journal - International Journal of Psychopathology, Neuroscience and Psychotherapy, 5(1), 34–39. (Original work published May 25, 2023)


The needs for protection and security are the starting point from which every human being develops his relational and affective evolutionary model. his article highlights how the safe space, in which the human being evolves, is given by the interaction of the individual dimension in which the person perceives himself protected and free to act in his reference context, and a collective dimension , understood as an ecological niche that conveys a sense of security to human beings in order to develop their individuality and create social relationships. Furthermore, the emphasis is placed on the importance of the safe space as a facilitator of learning and channeler of educational activities, in particular for that segment of the population affected by psychic and social difficulties. The authors identify in theatrical practice the possibility of creating a safe space in which the creation, sharing and expression of one's needs and experiences is possible.


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